Barriers to a Successful Implementation of Online Performance Management System

By Posted in - Performance Management on February 9th, 2012 0 Comments

Successful implementations of online performance management systems do not occur by accident. In our white papers section, you can find case studies of how OMNIview has successfully implemented performance management in both small and mid-sized companies. These successes occurred because potential pitfalls were identified and avoided. However, there are many stories in the market place where other companies were not as successful implementing an online system. Here are just a few of the more common reasons for an unsuccessful implementation.

Software Solution Limitations

• Workflow Complexity – In an attempt to compete on bells and whistles, some providers have added a level of complexity to their applications that have the potential to confuse some users. Confused managers then become frustrated with the solution.

• Flexibility – Some solutions may not have the ability to be configured to match a companies’ desired process. Enforcing a different process is likely to be met with resistance.

• Content – The more content that is already available for managers, the easier the process becomes. If managers have to add all content themselves, the process becomes cumbersome. Pre-existing content with full customization capabilities are a big plus. This content could include such things as competency models, performance standards, and standardized goals, or organizational and department goals.

Education/Training Limitations

• Guidance on Key Strategic Decisions – Small and mid-sized companies in particular benefit from being educated on performance management and the key decisions that need to be made prior to process configuration. This includes a thorough discussion of the pros and cons of various options.

• Orientation – Prior to user training, it is important to provide training on the companies’ point of view on performance management, roles and responsibilities, expectations, and anticipated benefits.

• User Training – Hopefully the application is so user friendly and intuitive that little training is required. However, managers should be provided with various support tools such as quick start manuals, detailed manuals, narrated demonstrations and access to key support personnel.

• Skills Training – Managers need to have basic skills to manage performance effectively. Training should be available on the following topics:

o Setting Performance Goals
o Monitoring Performance
o Providing Performance Feedback
o Conducting Performance Reviews
o Conducting Developmental Planning Meetings

Change Management Limitations

• Senior Management Support – Managers and employees need to know that senior management is supportive of the implementation. Senior leaders need to be articulate advocates of the process and lead by example.

• Communications – A thorough communication strategy is needed to ensure that key messages are understood and reinforced in a variety of ways including staff meetings, newsletters and transparent key metrics.

• Accountability – Clear accountabilities need to be established and communicated to all employees. In addition, there needs to be a mechanism for monitoring participation and identifying process improvements.

• Value Being Realized – How success is going to be defined and measured should also be part of the change management strategy. Benefits realized should be broadly communicated and reinforced.

Readers who are interested in best practices in performance management should review our white paper, “Are We Realizing the Value Potential of Performance Management.” For a discussion on the unique aspects of “implementing performance management in small and mid-sized companies,” there is a previous blog post on the subject.

If you are interested in learning how OMNIview can assist you in implementing an online performance management system, please call us at 877.426.6222.

Patrick Hauenstein, Ph.D.

About Patrick Hauenstein, Ph.D.

Patrick Hauenstein is the President and Chief Science Officer for OMNIview. During his free time Pat likes to cook. He is particularly fond of traditional southern cuisine. Pat is also an animal lover ...
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